I’ve been a writer pretty much all my life. I started in the theatre and then moved across to work mostly in television and film. As a visual thinker I love the art of screenwriting, and am constantly humbled by the challenge of building character depth while keeping up the momentum that the screen demands.

A lot of my work is what might either be described as magical realism or psychological fantasy/horror. My imagination is always tickled by a high concept premise, especially one that allows me to explore sociopolitics. At the same time I like my pieces to have their feet grounded in the real world.

Let me give you some examples of my taste. I’m not really the person for high fantasy (e.g. sword-and-sandals epics). I don’t fit into the high sci-fi box either (e.g. outer space with lots of physics). But I am 100% here for Shirley Jackson or Barbara Comyns and always ready to rewatch Let the Right One In, The Shining, Pan’s Labyrinth, or more recent series like Russian Doll.

My subject matter has changed as my life has evolved but I do often write complicated female characters. I return again and again to coming-of-age stories, which could mean teen drama but might equally be an old woman stepping into a new version of herself. I also like deeply-buried emotions which are struggling to get out and am always interested in how humans get pushed into corners and what they will do to escape. My take on things is usually dark but not at the expense of characters who care for each other. I think that real people usually care.

I like comedy but as a side dish to the main drama, not as the main course. I am probably not the best person to write your sitcom, sports movie, naturalistic melodrama, or piece of kitchen sink realism.

If you’d like to know anything else about my writing, or to read samples of my work, then please do get in touch. I might not have the time take on your project but I am always happy to meet for a cuppa or zoom and share my thoughts.